How do I protect items in my storage unit?
Published on 3/10/2022
A storage locker is generally a very secure way to keep your precious belongings safe and sound. However, many unprecedented things can happen that can make for a stressful time. Here are just a few ways you can protect your stuff!
The most common types of claims come from water damage, rodent damage, fire, and theft.
Water Damage - It can happen, even in the desert! Over time, the door seals can crack or roofs can spring a leak, and especially when you store long term, you want to make sure you are protected just in case. We do our absolute best to prevent this, however things can happen. Putting your items up on a pallet to avoid water intrusion on the floor, and covering them in a piece of plastic or putting items in sealed bags can greatly reduce the risk of water damage.
Rodent Damage - Rats! They can be quite the nuisance. There's a few things you can do to prevent rodent damage. There are many rodent repellent options available for purchase that you can put inside your storage unit. NEVER store food in your storage unit. Couches and mattresses can be a haven for rats, so if you don't have to store them, don't. And if you do, put them in a sealed bag if possible. Clothing also - sealed totes will help. Papers - sealed plastic totes also. Stop at your department store and grab a few bins. They will go a long way, and also will help you to organize stuff.
Fire - God forbid.. but it can happen. There are fire-resistant filing cabinets, safes, and bags you can use to protect your stored belongings. Keepsakes and important paperwork - take extra care and store these in fire safe bags or safes if you can.
Theft - Thieves are still out there and the last thing we want to hear is that somebody violated your storage space. We have cameras and other measures in place to prevent it but it can still happen. Keep your most important and treasured belongings in the back of your storage unit and never store cash, passports, or other sensitive information - keep that somewhere safe at home or in a safety deposit box.
Storage facilities are not liable for any of these things, but there is coverage that can help (some exclusions may apply). Check out our tenant protection options. Starting at just $9/mth for up to $2,000 protection, a few pennies a day can save you a lot of headache down the road if something happens. Visit
Sun Devil State Storage - Tenant Protection ( or call us to get more details and sign up now!
Whether you're in Phoenix, Tempe, Scottsdale, or anywhere in between, we have got you covered with the best experience you can ask for from a storage facility. Reserve your locker at our website or by calling 480-921-7300 now!